Li'to Vita

song upon the wind


  • Li'to Vita

  • Hhetsarro

  • Age: 25 (ARR) - 32 (DT)

  • Height: 160cm

  • Gender: Trans Male (He/Him)

  • Orientation: Bisexual Polyam

  • Main Jobs: DRK-AST-VPR


Voice: Jonny Yong Bosch (Nero)
Singing: Left at London
Voice: Asuna Tomari (Chilchuck)
Singing: 96neko
Voice: Azucena/Azul Valadez (Itzusumi)
Singing: Malaïka


  • Likes: Competitions, Hunting, Performing

  • Dislikes: Bland food, Political Jargon, Sigrid ----------------------------------------------

Dancer, Singer, Hunter, Actor, Husband to the Warrior of Light, and now Consort of Doma. He holds many a title and is excessively proud of each one. Ever the lover of being a complete show-off in all his talents, his ego is easily bruised by those not giving them their proper reverence.Despite the talents and titles he holds, however, he is a complete loser beyond the veil. With not much intelligence outside of what he masters, his poor adjustment to society outside of acting, and having his heart on his sleeve - despite his protestation to the fact - the second he opens his mouth the appearance of grandeur falls off of him.He has a sharp tongue, and he wields it without restraint. He puts on a rude, barbed persona, though if you've gotten close to him he is loyal to a frightening degree. He would do practically anything for you, but never admit to doing something nice on purpose- unless there was opportunity to brag.
His temper is short and his stubbornness unshakeable, once he's set his mind on something it's nigh impossible to try and steer him off it.
He doesn't suffer any one that wastes his time unless they're stroking his ego or challenging him to a contest, but flattery will get you everywhere with him.


The Tankards

Brought unknowingly into a deeper plot devised by Sigrid, Li'to was recruited into the Tankards. What started as a simple means to leave the Shroud, led him on a journey across the realms and sea of stars to a brand new, grander life.Sigrid was always someone he butted heads with, over how she was so aloof with an all-knowing act. After accidentally learning the true purpose behind her actions however, he reluctantly aided her in guiding the narrative to Ultima Thule behind Ral's back, to revive her friend and save the star from untimely demise.Ralofir perplexed him from the beginning. The Warrior of Light, one kind and with an oblivious air that hid a darker secret. It did not take too long for Li'to to start catching feelings through their adventures. Through every trial and tribulation, those feelings only grew deeper and stronger between them, now eternally bonded.Lilitt was the third member to join the group. Incurably curious, positive, and with a penchant for making new tech, she would join the Tankards to get back home to the First. Though she has succeeded in getting home, Li'to visits to regale her on events she's missed often, which she then uses to write her...novels. They sell for a pretty penny, and fund her tinkering ventures, after all.N'mavi was the first encounter he had, though she was the last to join the Tankards' party. Their relationship started merely as her funding his failing leatherworking business, now she has become a key member of the group, and like that of a younger sister besides.


Separated for years after escaping Garlean oppression, Li'to was reunited with his siblings in the lead up to Endwalker, though like most things it didn't go quite to plan.Ramate has the typical older brother complex, but after being forced into enlistment as a Garlean soldier, he is having to relearn how to be a person in the outside world again beyond his abuse. Despite all he's missed, and Li'to acting more like the older brother to him now, he tries to be a support for him as much as he can. Li'to constantly putting himself in danger does not help.Iyaaxete escaped the Castrum with her brother, before they were separated in their run from Imperials. She was swept off on a Sharlyan bound ship, where she took to the scholarly route, and gained Archon status through her prestigious studies. She was kind and confident, and highly intelligent. Despite being Li'to's younger sister, he looked up to her and was highly protective of her. She was happy to be reunited with him, having thought he was killed by Garleans when they separated, and enjoyed the chance to catch up with the man he'd become.Mavi became that of an adopted younger sister to him as she spent more time around him. Feeling guilty for taking advantage of her naivety with her wallet, he makes sure no one else tries to scam her. Her secretly being an Archon of Sharlyan as well came as a big surprise, and she uses her knowledge and access to research to help Li'to with his newfound ailments, while dealing with the strange memory issues she herself has obtained.


When the young Doman lord challenged him to a hunting competition, it was the first trip to a hard fall head over heels for him. His ability to spar with him both with words as well as swords, all wrapped up in his down to earth personality won Li'to over. Hien could see right through Li'to's put-on bravado and barbs to the brave, caring brat that he was. Li'to would stand with him through all the trials and responsibilities Hien faced in obtaining freedom for Doma. Though their relationship started off rocky with a hasty and denied proposal, the pair became smitten with each other. After the events of Endwalker they decided to finally get bonded, and found themselves with a small heir to raise in their odd little family.


The building of their relationship had been arduous, but it only made it stronger. Li'to started to fall for him in the wake of Heavensward. They were on and off, both attracted to each other but too afraid to get too close. In the end of Stormblood, Li'to confessed his deeper feelings for him...and Ral his secret of being a past Garlean spy. Li'to nearly killed him out of fear, putting a cavernous space between them after Sigrid stopped him. Being stuck in the First for three years gave him time to take Sigrid's words to heart; that despite a terrible past Ral now tried to make up for, he loved him for exactly that reason, and most of all for the man he was presently. They now understand each other in a way no one else can, and would do anything to protect each other. They have taken their rest, and approach new adventure with renewed vigor.


J'ehster - From the memories Sigrid showed of him, he seemed someone worth saving, one much more worthy of living in this world than himself. Li'to sacrificed himself so Sigrid could call him back with her old Azem crystal. When dying didn't go to plan, he found it hard to be around J'ehster on account of the sheer brightness of his soul. They are amicable, and lucky for Li'to, he spends most of his time far off on his island enjoying retirement.Geva - Rude, harsh, and brash, she was merciless with her berating of the young leatherworker. At first he saw her as any Gridanian; belittling his skill as a competitor and 'mooncat'. But soon he came to understand she simply wanted to guide him to doing the job right with tough love. He has a respect for her now, and owes a lot of his refined skill to her.Mauh & Uhra Lizeh - When he killed their abusive leader, the Coeurlclaw King, he took them with him when they had nowhere to go. Quickly they became like little sisters to him, and he arranged a place for them to work and rest at the Rising Stones. They still assist Tataru and love hearing the tales of what all the Scions and their newfound brother get up to.Emet-Selch - To say their relations are complicated would be the understatement of the millenia. Their 'fling' was on and off, Li'to battling the strange pangs of nostalgia and the fiery hatred in a spiral, Emet enjoying every second of it. Though, thanks to the Ancient's own sentiment for his old love, he brought the Miqo'te back from death in Ultima Thule.
Eventually, to avoid losing his memories in the aetherial sea, he decided to linger at Li'to's side as a spirit, much to Li'to's chagrin.


Hunting Season

Li'to is a skilled hunter and loves making a competition of it. If you've a thought to challenge him on it, or to an old fashioned spar, he finds it impossible to refuse.

That's Show business

Fan of his shows? Coworkers? Theatre rivals? Lots of drama happens in the thespian career, as is the name of the game. Anything goes so long as the show goes on~

Garlean Hardships

Getting a whiff of Garlean on someone means trouble for him. Not so often the deadly variety, nowadays, but it's certainly to put him ill at ease. Perhaps the notion is unfounded, or perhaps not....

Do I know you?

Li'to has traveled quite far over his life, even before coming to Eorzea. In those travels he's met a lot of people. Were they childhood friends? Temporary colleagues? Maybe even old loves? Considering his loss of sight, recognizing old faces has become...difficult... maybe you can remind him.

Tankards for Hire

If you need a business of the adventuring variety settled, look no further. The Tankards can aid Warriors of Light and others with any job you have with their varied specialties, as long as you have the coin.


Melpomene worked in the Bureau of the Architect along one of his partners,
Hythloadaeus. He was even more of a slack-off than his lavender
haired lover, often scheming and causing general mischief around the workplace to Archimedes (Byregot)'s dismay. Many often thought he only secured his position at the Beareau due to his connections alone. He would constantly pester the
researchers of Elpis to submit more feline familiars and concepts, but all he
ever received was shark, after shark... after shark. When he tired of dealing
with the aquatic deluge of submissions, he would go to his other partner,
Emet-Selch, who he would tease relentlessly and rave over the latest plays they'd
seen together. He often wistfully thought of joining the theatre, but he was content
just to watch. He enjoyed singing songs for his partners after long days; songs of hope
and tradgedy alike.
Melpomene was a good friend to Azem, and he often happily abandoned his duties to
be dragged off on a wild adventure with them. Melpomene had not much talent of his own, besides an innate ability of soul sight. Though not as impressively powerful as
his partners, it always came in handy as he helped with the tedious tasks
Azem got herself involved in. He and Melpomene gave Emet twice the
headache anytime the two were involved in mischief together. Immense
trouble always followed in their wake.
Melpomene was one of members brought into the fold by Venat and Azem
regarding the truth of the Final Days to come. He left Emet's sight during the
Sundering, and joined Azem's side to wait out the disaster, knowing the part
he needed to play in this story.
Though Melpomene regretted leaving Emet to face time without him, he took
comfort in the knowledge that they would both still be close to Azem even in
the distant future. No matter how his heart broke for their paradise lost,
he dared not look back.


Born in Yak T'el, Tonahli lived in the Mehwahhettsoan tribe for 10 summers. His brother took him on many hunting trips to hone his skills as well as keep him away from their controlling mother. Often the trips would be long and far, where Tonahli got to meet other tribes and people as well as experience much of the land and cultures the majority of their tribe didn't usually explore.
One day his mother was banished from the tribe when her actions nearly got people, their hhetso, and even her own children killed. Though the people of the tribe tried to protect her children from her, she forcefully took Tonahli and his two siblings and fled as far as she could-- to the far reaches of Eorzea-- for a new start in life. Upon entering Gyr Abania, their luck continued to sour as they were immediately caught in the middle of a Garlean siege.
Unfortunately timed, Tonahli suddenly became afflicted with the Echo, and a scientist present took immediate interest in him.

His mother made a sort of bargain with the man- Tonahli's mother and siblings would gain Garlean citizenship and protection by becoming his charges, in exchange of taking her child as a test subject to continue his Echo related experiments. The young Miqo'te was given the new name Tonahli Subject LXIX Potitus by the scientist who had such a sickening fondness for him. He spent 10 more years as a test subject, the experiments torturous, and the 'treats' of visiting with his siblings grew fewer and fewer when his older brother was forcefully enlisted as a soldier.
During the calamity he finally had opportunity to escape when the equipment failed. As he fled the maze of identical metal hallways, he stumbled in on his mother's attempt to give his sister to scientists wanting to test the results of the experiments. He flew into a rage. He killed his mother, as well as the remaining Garlean scientists, and escaped the bloodbath with Iyaaxete as fire and ash fell upon the land of Eorzea.

After their grand escape, he decided to dawn a new name. Bastardizing his given name to be more friendly to the Eorzean tongue, while still holding on to those nearly forgotten roots, he became Li'to Vita.Once safely free of Imperial chase, he attempted to make his own way in Gridania to little success. He was stuck scraping by on the outskirts until meeting N'mavi, and the beginnings of the Tankards party shortly after. Sigrid had a suspicious interest in him joining their small merry band that she seemed keen to hide, and he an interest in any means to leave the Shroud to find his siblings. So he was brought into the team that would lead to grand adventures across the realm and beyond.


At the edge of Ultima Thule, when Sigrid's plan to bring back J'ehster failed, Li'to stepped in. He relinquished nearly all of his aether into the Azem crystal Sigrid still possessed, which had since dimmed of nearly all its power over the years at Ralofir's side. His stunt killed him in the process, but while his sacrifice worked, he did not get to stay dead for long. His soul was returned to him by Emet, and a certain queer crystal the Ascian kept on his person was bound to his heart to keep the permanent aether sickness at bay. He resurrected blind, but with an ability for soulsight thanks to the crystal lodged in his frame.

He was able to adjust to his new disabilities in time, and enjoyed the restful years after the events of Ultima Thule. Between properly honeymooning with his partners, raising an heir with Hien, and keeping up his performing business(es), he's kept pleasantly busy. He has begun to master Viper for a change of pace, taught by his brother, Ramate. With the Tankards traveling to Tural, Li'to is excited and nervous to visit his homeland again. He hopes to remember and reconnect, and looks forward to what other adventures will await them in the dawn and beyond.